1:72 Italeri 0015 C-130 E/H Hercules Plastic Model kit

Article number ITA0015

The C-130 is by far the most widely used tactical cargo aircraft of the last forty years. Despite its age, no real replacement has yet been built for it.

As a result, this four-engined Loockheed aircraft continues to serve in many different positions with more than fifty air forces around the world. Continuous updating of the electronic equipment and in some cases fuselage adjustments extends the life of this highly successful military cargo aircraft. Its characteristic strength and reliability were again demonstrated during the Gulf War Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

Level (1=easy | 5=advanced) 3
Model length in mm 39
Packaging box length in mm 440
Packaging box width in mm 270
Packaging box height in mm 105
Country United States
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