1:1200 Revell 65802 Bismarck Ship - Model Set Plastic Model kit

Article number REV65802

The Bismarck, the flagship of the Reich's warship fleet, was the largest German warship together with the Tirpitz. It had a displacement of 50,900 tons and a crew of 2,092 men.

She entered service on 24th aoűt 1940 and on 18th May 1941 she undertook Operation Rheinübung. However, he was soon discovered by British air reconnaissance aircraft, accompanied by Prinz Eugen. On 25th May 1941, a fight with the Hood ended with the loss of the Hood. After a long pursuit, he was again targeted by British ships, the King George V and H.M.S. Rodney battleships ŕ. She was finally scuttled by her crew on 27th May 1941, ŕ less than 490 km from the French coast.

- Hull in waterline

- Detailed bridge

- Turrets

- Cranes

- Authentic painting plan

* Delivered as model set with 3 acrylic paints, brush and glue!

Level (1=easy | 5=advanced) 3
Recommended age 10+
Number of Parts 31
Model length in mm 200
Country Germany
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