1:6 Dragon 75016 5CM PAK 38 Plastic Model kit

Article number DRG75016

- Hollow gun muzzle
- Gun can elevate to any angle
- Gun cradle w/hand wheels
- Gun shield true to scale
- Bottom armored flap of gun shield is movable
- Finely detailed wheels
- Movable gun recoils like the real one
- Movable gun breech can be displayed open/closed
- Movable gun trails can be positioned in combat or travel modes

Thanks to their larger scale, Dragon’s 1/6 range of weapons and light equipment offer stunning detail and realism to collectors. The very latest weapon to swell the ranks is a 5cm PaK 38 antitank gun. This was a towed weapon introduced to troops in the summer of 1940, offering markedly improved penetration power compared to the incumbent 3.7cm PaK 35/36. One of its first combat tests was in 1941 during the invasion of Russia, where it proved to be the only German weapon capable of taking on the heavier Soviet tank designs that were being encountered for the first time. At 830kg, it was light, mobile and possessed a low silhouette, all important factors in an antitank weapon. The Rheinmetall-Borsig AG weapon was able to knock out the Soviet T-34 if Panzergranate 40 tungsten-cored ammunition was employed. Although heavier antitank weaponry such as the 7.5cm PaK 40 was introduced as WWII wore on, some PaK 38s served on until the very end.

Dragon’s 1/6 model incorporates all the special features of the PaK 38, including the double-layered gun shield. This shield is produced in a true-to-scale thickness, while the gun cradle and intricate details like the hand wheels are highly detailed. The split-trail carriage is well crafted, offering modelers the choice of displaying the gun in travel or combat configurations. The model has well-represented steel wheels, while the L/60 caliber hollow gun barrel is fitted with a sharply defined muzzle brake. The gun can traverse, elevate and depress just like the original, while the hinged bottom armor panel can unfold too. Other novel features include a breech that can be depicted open or closed, plus the weapon recoils authentically too. Dragon’s large rendition of this important German antitank weapon is beautifully produced, and either by itself or crewed with appropriate German figures, it creates quite an impressive spectacle!

Release date 2022-03
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